The 8th generation after the original prototype OtoomCM (hence its name).
Manual - contains download and installation, menus, operation, technical details, tests and error messages, credits, bug report.
The manual may be updated to reflect any queries that come my way.
Also available under Downloads → octamv2setup.zip (17.77MB).
A summary of what's new in v.2:
More options for the initial layout of the matrix;
improved depiction of node relationships;
more options for the node types, includes filtering;
visualisation of the node trees within the matrix;
fixed a potential issue with video display on monitors with certain resolutions.
An example of the program with the Main, Settings, ShapeWorld and Audio graph windows deployed across the monitor. The default settings are applied to the AI Engine, ShapeWorld is running
at 1280 x 720 with all the geometrical shape configurations selected and rendered with rainbow colours applied which move through the spectrum. Click on the image to view it at the 2560 x 1440 resolution.
Some screenshots (at 70% of their original size):
Start window
Initialisation window
Operation window
Settings window, AI Engine
Settings window, ShapeWorld
ShapeWorld window
17 July 2024
© Martin Wurzinger - see Terms of Use